
Hip Replacement Restores Mobility, Relieves Pain

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For years, John Bolt III enjoyed spending time outdoors playing golf and walking his dogs — until he started experiencing chronic pain in his right hip and back.

The Morehead City, North Carolina, man said his pain limited his mobility and decreased his social time with his friends for about three years.

“I used to walk quite a bit with my dogs in the morning. I found that over an increasing period of time, it was getting harder and harder to get a full walk in,” he said. “And, playing golf really became so painful that I just finally gave up on it.”

Bolt’s pain also interrupted quality time with his wife of 54 years.

“My wife and I enjoy dancing,” he said. “For the last three years, prior to surgery, I pretty much wasn’t able to really get out there and dance. It was just too painful.” Initially, doctors thought Bolt may have had a sciatic nerve problem in his back. X-rays revealed the problem was actually in his hip.

Treatment options vary

Several years ago, Bolt underwent successful knee replacement surgery under the care of Thomas E. Bates, MD, an orthopedic surgeon. Because of that doctor-patient relationship, Bolt consulted Dr. Bates about his hip pain.

For any joint pain, Dr. Bates said nonoperative and conservative measures are explored first for treatment. Nonsurgical measures may include physical therapy, activity modification, anti-inflammatory medication and sometimes injections into joints.

After considering his options, Bolt chose total hip replacement surgery. This procedure replaces the hip’s damaged bone and cartilage with prosthetic components called implants.

“The pain had gotten chronic, and it just never [went] away. And that’s pretty mentally debilitating as well as physically debilitating,” Bolt said. “I was really ready to try to get something done to get rid of the pain and to become active again.”

Each year, more than 450,000 total hip replacements are performed in the United States, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

“Patients typically present with pain, decreased range of motion to their joints,” Dr. Bates said. “They sometimes have swelling and even mechanical symptoms that cause them difficulties when they’re doing certain activities.”

Your doctor may recommend hip replacement surgery if you have one or more of the following:

  • Hip pain that limits everyday activities, such as walking or bending
  • Hip pain that continues while resting, either day or night
  • Stiffness in a hip that limits the ability to move or lift the leg
  • Inadequate pain relief from anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy or walking supports

Recover from surgery at home

After COVID-19 delayed Bolt’s procedure at a nearby hospital, doctors determined he was a good candidate for outpatient surgery. He underwent surgery in February 2022 at The Surgery Center of Morehead City.

“We typically do a case in the morning and patients are home by lunchtime,” Dr. Bates said. “We have physical therapy coming to our center getting the patient up immediately [after surgery]. I think that decreases the risk of complications for patients and it also puts their family members at ease when they’re involved in the process.”

Bolt was discharged from the surgery center the same day to recover at home. The next day, he started at-home physical therapy with a walker while awaiting his first post-operative appointment.

“I knew that walking was going to be the best thing that I could do from that point on,” he said. “I did all my walking indoors for probably the first couple of weeks. And I was able to get off pain medications within two days.”

Three weeks after surgery, he transitioned from using a walker to a cane and then to walking unassisted.

“And, within six weeks, I was released to go back to playing golf, if I wanted to,” he said. “So, it was a very positive experience for me.”

Returning to active life

More than a year after his hip replacement, Bolt reports significant pain relief and improved mobility.

“I was pleasantly surprised how quickly I was able to recover,” he said.

He and his wife walk about two miles every day with their dogs. When the weather is suitable, he plays golf sometimes twice a week. The Bolts also enjoy date nights and dancing together again.

“One of the first things after I got released is we went to one of the local performances and actually got out there and danced for a couple hours. So, that was a good feeling,” he said.

Don’t delay your treatment

If you suffer from chronic pain in the knee, hip, shoulder or back, do not ignore these symptoms, or your condition may worsen. Discuss your treatment options with your doctor.

“Things have changed over the years since I first started doing joint replacements,” Dr. Bates said. “We have been doing outpatient total joints at our facility. That really has been a game-changer in the way of recovery and satisfaction from patients and their families.”

Your Ortho Solution specialists always keep the patient in mind and look for the least-invasive and best way to repair your hips or other joints. For surgical procedures, our doctors use skilled techniques to improve your mobility and return you to an active lifestyle.

“When [hip pain keeps] you from doing anything that involves any type of walking or movement … that’s just not a way to live,” Bolt said. “Get [surgery] done, and then really work at the rehab part. I think that’s important. It gets you back to normal as quickly as possible.”

Do not delay treatment for chronic pain. Find one of our centers near you to request an appointment for an evaluation.

This is designed for educational purposes only. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health concern or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. If you have or suspect you may have a health concern, you should consult your healthcare provider.