
Inactivity is Dangerous for Your Physical and Mental Health

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Exercise is an essential component for physical fitness and mental wellness. Since the onset of the pandemic, millions of Americans have become more sedentary. According to the American Psychological Association, 42 percent of adults have gained weight during COVID, at an average of 29 pounds. With 36.5 percent of Americans obese and another 32.5 percent overweight, additional “COVID weight” further increases the risk for heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and arthritis.

A sedentary lifestyle is equally harmful to mental health. In a study from the University of Pittsburg and Carnegie Mellon University, researchers found the depression rates of young adults aged 18-24 rose by 90 percent compared to pre-COVID rates.

How to Increase Activity During the Work Day

With numerous fitness facilities still closed nationwide, it is important to incorporate physical activity into your day, especially if you sit at a desk. Taking regular breaks can prevent unnecessary eye strain, joint pain, joint stiffness, and chronic pain in the shoulders and neck.

Here are five ways to stay active during your workday, even if you have a desk job:

  1. Choose an active commute—Try to get some exercise before your workday even begins. If you live close to work, walk or bike to your job. If you ride a subway or bus, try getting off at an earlier stop to walk a few extra blocks to work.
  2. Take the stairs—When you have the choice of taking the elevator or the stairs, choose stairs. Let everyone else wait in line for the elevator while you get in some extra steps.
  3. Get a standing desk—There are so many options for standing desks and even treadmill desks. You can take conference calls or answer emails while moving your body.
  4. Keep some fitness gear in your office—Consider keeping a fitness ball, resistance bands, or even small, handheld weights in your office so you can do some strength training or stretching during a break.
  5. Join a fitness center near your work—Instead of eating lunch, grab your gym bag and do a mid-day workout.

Struggling Physically or Mentally? Call Your Doctor

Staying active is essential for your physical and mental health. Commit to increasing your physical activity for a healthy body and mind. If you are experiencing chronic pain, depression or just feeling blue, do not ignore it. Sometimes, you need the help of a professional.

You don’t have to live with joint pain or back pain. Our orthopedists specialize in treating chronic pain, arthritis, and many bone and joint conditions. Click here to see a list of specialists located at centers nationwide.

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